Offered at GenoPlast Biotech S.A. Professional Laboratory Plastics have quality certificates

By choosing our professional laboratory plastics, you receive not only products of the highest quality, but also the certainty that you are using tools that meet the highest industry standards. Thanks to our quality certificates, you can have full confidence in our plastics and focus on achieving the best results in your research. Our products are carefully tested and verified for chemical resistance, mechanical durability and compliance with hygiene standards. Thanks to this, our customers can be sure that when using our plastics, they are dealing with solid and reliable laboratory tools.

ISO 11137-FUTENG certified

An international standard that defines requirements for the sterilization of medical products using ionizing radiation, such as gamma radiation or X-ray radiation. It is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is used to ensure that the sterilization process is properly configured and controlled to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical products. The letter “F” in ISO 11137-FUTENG means that this standard is specific to the sterilization of medical products using ionizing radiation to achieve a desired biological effect, such as the elimination or destruction of microorganisms. The ISO 11137-FUTENG certificate indicates that a given medical product has been sterilized in accordance with the requirements of this standard. Receiving this certificate means that the product sterilization process has been thoroughly analyzed, tested and confirmed, and the product is properly sterilized and meets international standards for safety and effectiveness.

ISO 13485-FUTENG certified

International standard for quality management systems in the medical industry. This standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, installation and operation of medical devices and related services. It is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is recognized around the world as a benchmark of high quality and safety in the medical industry. The letter “F” in ISO 13485-FUTENG means that this standard is specific to the medical industry and refers to requirements for the sterilization of medical products using ionizing radiation, such as gamma radiation or X-rays. The ISO 13485-FUTENG certificate indicates that a given medical organization or manufacturer of medical products meets the requirements of this quality management standard in the medical industry and also performs sterilization of products in accordance with the relevant requirements. Receiving this certificate means that the organization is able to ensure high quality and safety of its medical products.

ISO 9001 certified

This is an international certificate that is recognized around the world and ensures that our suppliers comply with high standards and best practices. Having an ISO certificate proves the maturity of the organization and professionalism in its activities, which translates into a lower risk of disappointment with the product. The ISO certificate confirms the high quality of products offered by our business partners. ISO certification is an important tool for our company as we strive for excellence in the quality of the products we offer. It gives our consumers greater confidence in professional laboratory plastics as it shows that our products are delivered to the specified standards.

CE mark (Conformité Européene)

On in vitro medical products (IVD) is a marking that indicates the product’s compliance with European regulations on safety, quality and effectiveness. This means that the product meets certain requirements and has passed the conformity assessment necessary to introduce it to the European market. The CE mark is issued by authorized assessment bodies, called notified bodies, which carry out independent assessments of medical products. These bodies are intended to confirm whether the product meets the appropriate requirements in accordance with applicable directives or regulations relating to medical devices. For products