Płytki do hodowli komórkowej nie modyfikowane, Sterylne, Dnase/Rnase free


  • Płytki wielodołkowe do zawiesiny
  • Dostępne pojemności: 6-well, 12-well, 24-well, 48-well, 96-well, 96-Uwell, 96-Vwell, 384-well
  • Dostępne typy FLAT, U-kształtne, V-kształtne
  • Dostępne kolory: przezroczysty, biały i czarny
  • Individually packaged
  • Rodzaj opakowania: folia polietylenowa/papier
  • Dedykowane do posiewów mikrobiologicznych
  • Made of USP VI grade non-toxic high strength polystyrene
  • 100% virgin polystyrene with high transparency
  • Non-treated zastosowana powierzchnia wzrostu, która jest bardziej hydrofobowa niż powierzchnia hodowli tkankowej i jest podobna do powierzchni bakteriologicznej szalki Petriego
  • Specjalna konstrukcja pokrywki zapewnia niskie parowanie
  • Pokrywka pasująca do płytki tylko w jednej pozycji, dzięki czemu zabezpiecza przed zakażeniem i kontaminacją krzyżową
  • Matte bottom design for easy grip
  • Empits marked with alphanumeric code for easy identification
  • Full production automation and Clean Room conditions
  • E-Beam sterilization, SAL 10-6
  • Sterile, non-pyrogenic, non-cytotoxic, free of DNases and RNases and human DNA
  • Certified DNase-, RNase- and Pyrogen-free
  • In Vitro diagnostic medical device in compliance with Regulation 2017/746 (hereinafter: IVDR)

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More information about the product


ImageSKUType of surfaceType of bottomNumber of holesGrowth areaWorking volumeSterileDegree of cleanlinessMaterialColorPacking typePcs/PackPriceQuantityStockAdd to Cart
Scientist in white glove holding plastic 6-well plate for cell culture.SKU: 703011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 6-wellGrowth area: 9.5cm²Working volume: 1.9-2.9mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 50x1pcs. /50pcsPrice: $66.23
Stock: 46 in stock
Scientist in white glove holding a plastic 12-well plate for cell culture.SKU: 712011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 12-wellGrowth area: 3.6cm²Working volume: 0.76-1.14mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 50x1pcs. /50pcsPrice: $66.23
Stock: 35 in stock
Scientist in white glove holding a plastic 24-well plate for cell culture.SKU: 702011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 24-wellGrowth area: 1.9cm²Working volume: 0.38-0.57mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 50x1pcs. /50pcsPrice: $66.23
Stock: 55 in stock
Scientist in blue glove holding a plastic 48-well plate for cell culture.SKU: 748011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 48-wellGrowth area: 0.88cm²Working volume: 0.19-0.285mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 50x1pcs. /50pcsPrice: $66.23
Stock: 16 in stock
Scientist in blue glove holding a 96-well plastic plate for cell culture.SKU: 701011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 96-wellGrowth area: 0.32cm²Working volume: 0.1-0.2mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 100x1pc.Price: $106.05
Stock: 42 in stock
96 Well Plastic Cell Culture Plate U ShapeSKU: 701111Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: U-shapedNumber of holes: 96-wellGrowth area: 0.66cm²Working volume: 0.1-0.2mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 100x1pc.Price: $129.62
Stock: 16 in stock
96 Well Plastic V-Shaped Cell Culture PlateSKU: 701211Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: V-shapedNumber of holes: 96-wellGrowth area: 0.41cm²Working volume: 0.1-0.2mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 100x1pc.Price: $129.62
Stock: 11 in stock
Three cell culture plates.SKU: 761011Type of surface: Non-TreatedType of bottom: FlatNumber of holes: 384-wellGrowth area: 0.11cm²Working volume: 0.025-0.05mlSterile: YesDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicMaterial: PS-PolystyreneColor: TransparentPacking type: individuallyPcs/Pack: 100x1pc.Price: $259.41
Stock: 13 in stock

Wysoka jakość, precyzyjne badania

Płytki do hodowli w zawiesinie marki Nest Scientific Biotechnology, to wyjątkowe materiały laboratoryjne, które wznoszą standardy w dziedzinie badań mikrobiologicznych. Produkty te oferują niezrównaną jakość, niezawodność i precyzję, spełniając potrzeby nawet najbardziej wymagających laboratoriów. Nest Scientific Biotechnology to marka, na którą można polegać, jeśli chodzi o zapewnienie optymalnych warunków wzrostu i rozmnażania mikroorganizmów. Płytki tej marki są starannie zaprojektowane, aby zapewnić jednolite i kontrolowane mikro środowisko, które sprzyja rozwojowi mikroorganizmów. Dzięki temu badania mikrobiologiczne stają się bardziej precyzyjne i niezawodne. Wysoka jakość materiałów użytych do produkcji tych płyt gwarantuje ich trwałość i niezawodność. Wykonane z dbałością o detale.

Odporne na zanieczyszczenia

Płytki do hodowli w zawiesinie marki Nest Scientific są odporne na zanieczyszczenia i zapewniają ochronę przed niepożądanym wzrostem mikroorganizmów, co jest kluczowe dla uzyskania wiarygodnych wyników. Płytki Nest są również wygodne w użyciu. Ich ergonomiczny design ułatwia manipulację, co przekłada się na szybsze i bardziej efektywne procesy laboratoryjne. Dodatkowo, precyzyjne oznaczenia na płytach ułatwiają identyfikację mikroorganizmów i analizę wyników. Bez względu na cel badania, płytki do hodowli w zawiesinie marki Nest są niezastąpionym narzędziem dla każdego laboratorium. Ich niezrównana jakość, niezawodność i wygoda użytkowania sprawiają, że stanowią doskonały wybór dla naukowców i badaczy, którzy dążą do osiągnięcia doskonałości w dziedzinie mikrobiologii.


  • Shape and size: Slurry culture plates are flat, V-shaped, or U-shaped, which makes it easy to evenly distribute microorganism samples.
  • Material: Suspension culture plates are made of transparent plastic such as polystyrene. This material is robust, resistant to chemicals and allows the growth of microorganisms to be observed through the plate.
  • Chambers and divisions: Suspension culture plates have specially designed chambers or divisions that allow the separation of microorganism samples. The chambers come in different shapes and sizes depending on the application.
  • Growth surface: The surface of the plate is smooth and allows the culture medium to be evenly distributed and microorganisms to grow. This ensures uniform conditions for microorganisms over the entire surface of the tile.
  • Resistance to culture conditions: Suspension culture plates are resistant to culture conditions such as high humidity and fluctuating temperatures. They can be used in different types of incubators and are resistant to long-term cultures.
  • Identification: Suspension culture plates are labeled, allowing identification of microorganism samples. The determinations may include information such as sample name, date, type of culture medium, etc.


  • Temperature range: room temperature
  • Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture (make sure the packaging is in good condition)


  • Microscopy: Suspension wafers are extremely useful in optical and electron microscopy. Thanks to their microscopic size and excellent uniformity, they can serve as a substrate for observing a variety of samples. They allow you to obtain clear and precise images, facilitating research in the fields of biology, medicine, chemistry and other life sciences.
  • Photonic technologies: Suspension wafers are used in many fields related to fiber optic and photonic technology. They are used to produce ultra-thin films, such as surface waves or optical microstructures, that control and manipulate light waves. With them, it is possible to create advanced optical components such as filters, phase gears, modulators or lasers.
  • Nanotechnology: Suspension wafers are also relevant in the field of nanotechnology. Due to their microscopic size, they can serve as a substrate for nanoparticles, nanowires and other nanostructures. They allow for controlled application of materials and manipulation of their properties. They are used in the design and manufacture of nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, sensors, biochips and many other advanced technologies.
  • Biomedical research: In the field of biomedicine, suspension plates have many applications. They are used for cell culture, tissue analysis, disease diagnosis, as well as gene therapy and drug delivery. Thanks to their microscopic structure, they can be carriers of bioactive substances that are transported and released to achieve the desired therapeutic effects.
  • Materials engineering: Slurry wafers are also an important component in the field of materials science. They are used to form surface layers with specific properties such as abrasion resistance, anti-corrosion or high temperature resistance.


  • Manufactured in accordance with EN ISO 20417:2021, EN ISO 15223-1:2016, EN ISO 18113-1:2011, EN ISO 14971:2019
  • In vitro diagnostic medical device complies with Regulation 2017/746 (hereinafter: IVDR)


  • Sterile: YES
  • E-beam sterilization, SAL=10-6. The product has been irradiated and dosimetrically released based on ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137
  • Samples are taken from each production batch and tested according to standard operating procedures. Appearance control: qualified. Leakage test: qualified. Pipette match test: qualified. Package control: qualified.